Weavin is bringing an authentic approach to collaborative problem solving towards meaningful positive change
Founder & Director, Luke Maguire
Luke’s experience includes leading the Directorate overseeing the New Zealand Treasury’s world first Wellbeing Budget here , leading Government Intergenerational Reports within Australia and New Zealand, overseeing foundational legislative reforms in public finance and state sector acts, and working with Māori to deliver the New Zealand Treasury’s first ever public document released in Te Reo Māori here ,
Luke’s education includes a Master of Business Economics, Monash University. Luke is an alumni of the Monash University Cranlana Colloquium and Toi Whakkari Ruku Ao Leadership Program. Oxford University’s Executive Leadership Program and is undergoing postgraduate study in Psychology at Monash University.
Luke has a passion for working with indigenous people and communities. Luke has relished his time with local Iwi on Marae in Gisborne, New Zealand as well as with Darug Elders in Yellomundee, NSW. Luke sees a huge potential in working with Australia’s indigenous wisdom, knowledge and expertise to support a more sustainable, respectful and prosperous future.
Grounded on Gadigal Land
Born in Sydney Australia, Weavin is grounded in a land with some of the highest living standards in the world. Australia bears relatively positive levels of freedom, health, education, crime, employment, incomes, natural resources and material living standards. The economic and fiscal strength and resilience of key Australian institutions make Australia an ideal place for living, and doing business. While it’s high levels of diversity and multicultural exclusivity provide an energy and resilience, perfect for creative innovation.
Weavin are centered in Gadigal Country of the Eora Nation and pays its respects to Elders past, present and emerging. Being home to one one the world’s oldest, most peaceful, and creative living human cultures provides Weavin with a wealth of knowledge to work with in realising how to be the leadership consulting firm for today’s economic, social and political environment.
A vision for working respectfully through our biggest challenges
Our vision is to lead the strategy consultancy industry in Australia through a change towards truly being values centred. This means being more diverse and inclusive in our approaches. It means embracing the adaptive complex systems in which we operate through openness and humility. It means being bold and tackling the big rocks which are often left unaddressed. It means communicating in ways which people today best interact with ideas and concepts. Lastly, and maybe most importantly, it means respecting and learning from our long Aboriginal history to walk together into our collective future.
Our name and logo
A single thread of grass will break under pressure. Grass which has been woven with other threads suddenly becomes incredibly robust. It is this power that made weaving one of the oldest human creations. Indigenous tribes on every continent of the world used weaving to design nets, containers, baskets and bags that were fit for purpose, flexible and adaptable.
People: the most fundamental part of any business. This includes employees, stakeholders and customers.
Place: the context of where we are working, our origins, and what has come before us.
Purpose: the organisations reason for being, its value that no-one else can provide.
Weavin works with you to: build on these foundations, project the futures that your organisation is entering, and work with you on the innovative processes needed for you to meet the future today